Asian Carp Conflicts
Asian Carp “Invasive Species are ranked second only to habitat destruction in leading to species extinction” (Elton 1958)
- Carp Taste Test article (Phelps)
- Attack of the Flying Carp article (Wheelwright)
- Asian Carp Invasion of the Upper Mississippi River System Status Report (USGS)
- Includes data and statistics collected by LTRMP (Koel, Irons, & Ratcliff)
- Asian Carp (Michigan Sea Grant)
- *Likely start with this - provides a brief history of their introduction as well as biological descriptions and the potential problems they cause.
- Bibliography Introduction
Interesting Facts
- Belong to the largest family of freshwater fishes (Cyprinidae) in the world comprising 3,268 species (Nelson 2006), ranging from goldfish to the giant barb which can reach up to 9 ft. in length
- Largest family of vertebrate animals in general!
- These fish do not have stomachs!
- They have excellent hearing abilities thanks to a special organ called the Weberian organ
- They have excellent hearing abilities thanks to a special organ called the Weberian organ
- Capable of leaping up to 3 meters out of the water and typically doing so in large numbers while schooling (mention boating accidents?)

More Information
Bigheaded Carps - An Annotated Bibliography on Literature Composed from 1970 to 2014
Bigheaded Carps in Mississippi - Emerging Issues and Potential Problems